Pier Mario Lupinu holds a Ph.D. in Banking and Finance Law jointly at the University of Luxembourg, where he lectured European Banking Law, and at Roma Tre University. He is currently employed as a Banking and Finance Knowledge Advisor at Clifford Chance Luxembourg. Prior to this, he worked in legal positions for several EU institutions and agencies, such as the European Central Bank, the Single Resolution Board, the European Commission, and the European Investment Bank. He has been a young researcher at the European Banking Institute, and he spent research visits at UNIDROIT in Rome, the Leibniz Institute SAFE at the Goethe University Frankfurt (DAAD funded) and the Columbia Law School in New York.
Pier Mario Lupinu and Anna Machura-Urbaniak, “Greenwashing risks for the Luxembourg real estate sector” (2024) 17-18 Revue Luxembourgeoise de Droit Immobilier Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “Motivation, Transparency and Fairness on Trial: Max Heinr. Sutor oHG v. SRB (Case T-393/21)” (2024) EU Law Live Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, Op-Ed: “To be or not to be a financial institution? Portuguese national law uncertainties ‘help’ the Court of Justice in shedding the light on ambiguities over EU law prudential terminology (Joined cases C‑207/22, C‑267/22 and C‑290/22)” (2023) EU Law Live Link
Anna Machura-Urbaniak and Pier Mario Lupinu, “‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ (BNPL) Payment Services: Opportunities and Legal Challenges for EU Consumers and Businesses” (2023) 5 EuCML Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “The Final Implementation of the Basel III Banking Rules in the EU: End of the Game?” (2023) DCU Brexit Institute Blog Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “A Brief Introduction to the Book ‘Digitalisation, Sustainability, and the Banking and Capital Markets Union. Thoughts on Current Issues of EU Financial Regulation’” in L. Böffel and J. Schürger (eds), Oxford Business Law Blog (2023) Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “From Branches to Subsidiaries: Post-brexit Enforcement of Subsidiarisation in the European Union” in L. Böffel and J. Schürger (eds), Digitalisation, Sustainability, and the Banking and Capital Markets Union (Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2022) Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, "Banche e stabilità finanziaria: i criteri di idoneità per il top management" (2022) Agenda Treccani Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “Judicial consequences for the enforcement of administrative decisions in multilevel regulatory systems: The case of the Single Resolution Mechanism” in K. Ligeti and K. H. Brodersen (eds), Studies on Enforcement in Multilevel Regulatory Systems (Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022) Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “Op-Ed: “Banco Popular affected investors’ claims rejected by the Court of Justice in favour of Santander (C-410/20)” (2022) EU Law Live Link
André Prüm and Pier Mario Lupinu, “Country Report: Luxembourg” in R. Bork and M. Veder (eds), Harmonisation of Transactions Avoidance Laws (Intersentia, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2022) Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “Digital Euro: Opportunity or (legal) challenge?” (2021) Ianus Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “The Impact of Brexit on ‘Bail-Inable’ Liabilities under English Law,” (2021) 1 Queen Mary Law Journal Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “The Impact of Brexit on ‘Bail-Inable’ Liabilities under English Law” (2020) DCU Brexit Institute Blog Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “Exploring Governance Issues between the SRB and the ESM in the Use of the Common Backstop”, University of Luxembourg Law Working Paper No. 2020-021 Link
Pier Mario Lupinu, “The Flow of Information Among Authorities Involved in the Banking Union’s Resolution Procedure: The Case of the SRB and the ECB” (2020) EBI Briefin Link
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Short Term Research Grant - Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (Feb-Apr 2022)
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training - HSE University - Faculty of Law in Moscow, Russia (Jun 2019)
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training - Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain (Jul 2019)
Awards & Scholarships
Pierre Werner Scholarship, Fondation Pierre Werner under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg (Oct 2021)